Thursday, 14 April 2016

Paki Thursday

Good afternoon,

And a lovely afternoon it is too.

A great afternoon for some P.E.

Oh, and this just in...
Hello everyone,

Just a reminder about tomorrow's dress up day. Children can come as something beginning with one of their given letters. But if they are not wanting to dress up could they please come in their school uniform.
Rutherford team - letters S & P
Sheppard team - letters A and C
Batten team - letters H & D
Hillary team - letters B & M

Also please make sure to bring a Gold Coin Donation.

Sometime before lunch the Student Council will come around each class and judge everyone and also collect the gold coin donations.

At assembly prizes will be awarded to the most creative people.

Also if you wish to wear face paint for this event you may but please make sure it's relevant.

Thank you,

Your 2016 Student Council

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Good afternoon,

I got a new tie last night...

...but I digress.

This morning, today, as well as a weekly meditation...

...and reading...

...Kakarki shared a wee rap about their text from last week.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Monday's Post Tuesday

Oh, and something from Friday too...

My how the choir has grown!

Good evening,

Yesterday we participated in a way cool Values Assembly.

The whole school split up into teams of between 4 and 6 or so (depending how internet connectivity) and participated in a Kazoo quiz.

It was very cool to see the Batten Team so well represented in the top teams. Especially Room 3!

As for today, well, we math'd......

...and typed.

As well as the other usual stuff.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Quick Write

Good evening,

Just a quick reminder...

...100 points for each person contributing to a story made out of these cubes.

Mr Grant

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Tuesday's Post Wednesday

Good evening,

It would seem that I have been a little remis with my regular updates.

Yesterday the Batten Team had a jolly good time with our final Hockey session - a wee tournament between 10 teams.

There were only some injuries...

We also started looking at the titles of the Holy Spirit.

As for today, we started off with some Meditation...

...continued with some reading...

...and finished up with some thinking.

Tomorrow the Batten Team Teachers will be out of our rooms as we plan for Term 2.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

A great day for sport.

Well done for your great participation Batten Team.  We were fortunate to have such a lovely day for our final hockey session.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Funday Monday

Good evening,

Another fun day was had here in the Batten Team. We danced...

...even if it was to Weird Al!

We also wrote, read...



For 100 house points, what story was that sentence referring to?